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What to expect as a participant in this research study

This study is focused toward mothers who are already exclusively pumping and bottle feeding.


You will be asked to fill out a pre and post study questionnaire for your opinion as to the efficacy of the treatment.  You will also be asked to exclusively pump for 7 days during the study period and record the amount of milk produced from each breast during each pumping session on the provided log sheet. You will not be required to follow any specific pumping schedule but it is recommended that you find a schedule that works for you and follow it consistently throughout the study.


You will receive one treatment with OMT on day 4 of the study performed by a licensed osteopathic physician.  The physician will evaluate and diagnose you for any tissue texture changes, asymmetry, restricted range of motion, or tenderness in the ribs, clavicles, or thoracic spine regions.  If any irregularities are found, the physician will treat the affected areas by moving your muscles and joints using techniques including stretching, gentle pressure, and resistance.  For diagnosis or treatment the physician may need to feel the tissues of the back, armpit, ribs, or clavicles (collar bones), however, no manipulation or touching of the breasts themselves will occur. The treatment is estimated to take approximately 30 minutes


The single OMT treatment, pre and post questionnaires, and providing 7 days of pumping logs is your entire participation in this research.

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